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Age gracefully with Skin Boost Collagen Builder
Too lazy to undergo hours of skin care regime in order to get glowing skin? Too cramped up with work to spare hours a day for skincare? Well, we have got you covered. Say bye to long hours in front of the mirror just to get that glowing look.
Try out our Skin Boost Collagen Builder and get healthy skin by spending only a minute every day. Formulated with the best of skincare ingredients from the warmth of plants.
Let us introduce you to our skincare heroes and see what power they hold.
Pea Protein powder
Collagen is a most abundant protein that makes up the structural framework of cells and tissue.
When we age collagen synthesis decreases thereby leading to dry and wrinkled skin. Collagen is the main superhero for your skin. Pea protein is a hypoallergen and a perfect alternative to milk protein. [1] It is a high quality protein which is easily digestible. When you give an extra protein it in turn makes collagen. An extra protein to build your collagen.
Omega - 3 from Flaxseed powder
Meet omega-3 sourced from flaxseed powder. Flaxseed is a rich source of omega-3 which performs several health benefits. [2] If you have been facing the problems of acne and dry skin call omega-3 and you shall be rescued. Omega - 3 exerts good barrier properties by protecting against sun damage and improving the skin hydration. UV rays are the villain troubling your beautiful skin and therefore you need omega-3 to protect your skin against this villain.
Biotin from Sesbania grandiflora
Biotin is a versatile ingredient to be added to your skin care routine. This superhero helps in hydrating your skin and improves skin elasticity. Biotin helps in the production of fatty acids that nourish the skin and maintain smooth complexion. All the red rashes and scaly skin maybe due to deficiency of this vitamin. We have sourced your biotin from Sesbania grandiflora a.k.a agathi leaves.
Sea buckthorn
Here is another superhero with collagen builder and UV protector. Apart from this sea buckthorn helps in moisturizing our skin and helps in maintaining skin tone. [4] We introduce to you a skincare ingredient we never knew we needed.
Resveratrol from Japanese knotweed
Our habits have aged our body a lot, don’t let your skin age early. Japanese knotweed houses a very large amount of resveratrol. Our skin acts as an external barrier to radiation, dirt and pollution. While it battles these enemies everyday, this leads to oxidative stress. Resveratrol reduces the oxidative stress and fights against aging and UV radiation. [5] Resveratrol an important antioxidant fights against the free radicals and delays aging.
Green Tea
We are well versed with its role in shedding kilos but green tea can be your accomplice in beautifying your skin as well. Green tea is packed with antioxidants which help scavenge the free radicals thereby delaying aging. Studies have shown that green tea has been effective in delaying photoaging i.e. aging due to UV exposure.[6]
Vitamin C from Amla
Vitamin C serum is taking the cosmetic industry by storm as when applied topically it has proved to be helpful for skin. Amla, the sweet and sour experience of childhood, is a rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the collagen builders and therefore plays an important role in skin health. Along with this like resveratrol and green tea vitamin C is also helpful in reducing skin damage due to UV radiation.[7]
Like how Avengers has got all your favourite superheroes together, in the same way Earthful has got all your skin superheroes in this formulation.
From your collagen builders to anti agers Earthful has picked them all and packed it safely to give you Skin Boost Collagen Builder. This neither cost a fortune nor your precious time wasted on all the skin care steps.
Say No to quick fixes ! Instead, say Yes to Earthful's Skin Boost Collagen Builder to have healthy skin inside out.
Be abundant and glow differently.